December 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, It’s finally here—CHRISTMAS! My mother dearly loved Christmas, and so did I. I still do. She would always see to it that the tree was up and decorated before my birthday, which is Dec. 6. She thought that was great, but it was torture for me. Nineteen days to wait! Actually, it was…

November 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Who ever heard of loving parents who do not want their children well? How much more, then, does our heavenly Father who is Love want His children well? Jesus was, and still is, the will of God in action. Let’s begin by reading John 6:38: For I came down from heaven, not to…

October 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, I especially enjoy this time of year. In our part of the country, as you know, summers are very hot. So, the coming of fall is just wonderful. October is very important to me. In 1961, TCU played Arkansas for the SWC championship. You know the story. On Saturday night, I met the…

September 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, What do you think about most of the time? I don’t mean during times when you’re busy or preoccupied, which means to be completely engrossed in thought. I’m talking about most of the time. When I was young, I thought about airplanes most of the time. That thought stayed with me until every…

August 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Let’s begin our discussion of faith today in the great faith book of Hebrews. In Chapter 3, verses 18-19, we read: “And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief”…

July 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Our God really is a GOOD GOD! My father in the faith, Oral Roberts, used to say that all the time. Then he would say, “Something good is going to happen to you today.” After having said that, he would also say, “Expect a miracle today” or, “Expect a miracle every day.” Psalm…

June 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Let’s begin today by praising our great and Good God for the freedoms we have in Christ Jesus. In John 8:36, Jesus said: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Look at that. YOU SHALL BE FREE INDEED! Now, let’s go to 1 Corinthians 15. There are…

May 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, The Spirit of God spoke to Gloria in 1998 saying, Preach the goodness of God without reservation, and pay no attention to the reproach of men. My father in the faith, Oral Roberts, said it constantly: God is a good God! As most of you know, Gloria and I had no religious background,…

April 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, The month of April is very special to Gloria and me. On the 13th of this month we will have been married 59 years. You’ve heard me say it, and you’ve heard me sing it: She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, because it was her unconditional love that opened my…

March 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Have you ever been to the place where you felt like you just couldn’t go any further? I have. That’s when thoughts come like, What in the world am I going to do now? Well, that’s a good question. However, a better question is, “What is Jesus going to do to help me?”…