October 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, My, what a beautiful time of year! The trees are changing colors as though the hand of our God is painting huge landscapes of His Love for all who will praise Him and glorify His Name. October is also the month of harvest: fruits, vegetables and all kinds of wonderful things. What about…

September 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, I remember when I was just a boy, how exciting it was when school was out for the summer. Then when September came, it was just as thrilling. It was school time again—a new year, a grade higher. Old friends came back together, and a few new ones came in. It was pretty…

August 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, It’s that time again! The Southwest Believers’ Convention is here, Aug. 1-6. I realize a lot of people have become used to watching on VICTORY Channel™, but let’s go to the written WORD and see what it, or He, has to say about it. He said through Isaiah the prophet in chapter 2:1-3:…

July 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Happy 246th birthday, America! There are those who do not understand the power of covenant who say, “The United States is going down for good!” or, “We’ll never survive this.” Oh yes, we will! Over 400 years ago, on the shore of what is now Virginia Beach, Va., a small ship from England…

June 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Well, June is here! The first half of 2022 has come and gone. Are you satisfied with it so far? If not, don’t let it upset you. Do you remember what Jesus said to His disciples during the Passover meal only hours before He would be crucified? Let’s look at John 14:1:. Let…

May 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, As of this writing, our KCM Ukraine director, Volodia Kolesnyk, his family, our staff and online church members there, are safe and untouched! Our office is located in the city of Lviv. We also have thousands of Partners in Ukraine. Gloria and I preached in the opera house in Kiev, formerly part of…

April 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, April is a very special month for me. I met Gloria Jean Neece in October 1961. Then, on the 13th of April, at 8 in the evening, in Little Rock, Ark., we were married. The year was 1962. That was 60 years ago. You have heard me say it and sing it. She’s…

March 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Here it is the beginning of spring. We here in Northeast Texas have four distinct seasons. The month of March brings new life. The days are beginning to be warmer, and the trees are budding out. Change is happening. Do you remember the old saying: “Things are looking up”? Well, that’s what early…

February 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, This month always has a high place in our family. Eighty years ago, in a very small town in Southwest Arkansas, a baby was born. Her mother’s name was Mary and her dad, Wallace Neece, was gone—shipped out to Europe for training for D-Day, June 6, 1944. [neither does toiling increase it].He then…

January 2022 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Well, 2021 is over and done with. It was a strange but wonderful year. 2020 was a recordbreaking year, financially, for both EMIC and KCM. But 2021 far surpassed 2020, proving what The WORD of GOD says in Proverbs 10:22: “THE BLESSING of The LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow…