November 2020 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, As I was sitting here in my study this morning and praying about what to write, the word of The LORD came to me saying: Tell them that I love them. Tell them that I need them. We [not “you”; He included Himself] are the most victorious family, both in heaven and in…

Faith Is…How to Move a Mountain Broadcast

You can watch this special collection of Faith Is…How to Move a Mountain series that is broadcasting on Canadian network this week. Click here to download this week’s notes. If you want to watch the latest broadcast that is airing on the US network regarding the upcoming US election, click here to go to the…

The Kind of Prayer That Changes Everything

Four tips that will help you get results. Prayer is as simple as talking to God. Yet, effective prayer is what gets results (James 5:16). Most Christians pray, ask God for what they want, then wait for the answer. The problem is that, while prayer itself is simple, the preparation of the heart beforehand is often left…

October 2020 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, Let’s begin today by looking at two very important scriptures. The first one is in Isaiah 43:25-26: I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified. Now,…

3 Steps to Have Peace and Protection for Back to School

Nervous about getting back to school? These tips will help! This year, back to school looks a little different. The changes being made in the school system will not only be challenging for you, but also for the children. It can be unnerving, and many are worried about their safety and security. During this difficult…

September 2020 Partner Letter

Dear Partner, There is a question that has bothered, and even plagued, the hearts and minds of Christian people for ages: Why do bad things happen to good people? Peter said in chapter 5, verse 8, of his first letter, that “the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” That’s…

The Mommy Grace

Have you heard of it? I expect that if you are a mother, and you know Jesus, you have relied on it daily. Let’s be real. Too often it can be elusive (seemingly), or just downright conspicuous by its absence. Some days can feel like there is no way to get it all done—no way…