Looking for a church home? Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you.

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Churches that have partnership with KCM will have 🤝displayed next to their church name.

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Faith Dominion Ministries Intl

Unit 1, 12988 84 Avenue, ​Surrey, British Columbia V3W 0K9

Faith Factor Ministries

9527 McLeod Road, Niagara Falls, ON

Faithful Remnant Spanish Church

96 Shorncliffe Rd, Toronto, ON

Flin Flon Pentecostal Assembly 🤝

180 Green Street, Flin Flon, MB

Flourish Foursquare Gospel Church

138 Woodlawn Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

Foundation For Life Family Church

2950 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3M 2G4

Freshwater Christian House 🤝

160 Lancaster St E, Kitchener, ON N2H 1N2

Full Gospel Christian Fellowship

1 Durrell St., Durrell, NL A0G 1Y0

Gateway Christian Fellowship

1812 Arthur St, Regina, Saskatchewan

Glory and Peace Church

1296 Main St, Winnipeg, MB

*Disclaimer: Kenneth Copeland Ministries has no personal knowledge of the churches listed here. We are not affiliated with any churches in Canada, however these are churches that currently support KCM Canada. This listing is a service to our individual partners as well as our church partners to encourage fellowship with likeminded people. We ask that you pray and seek the Lord's guidance for what church you should attend.