Looking for a church home? Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you.

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Churches that have partnership with KCM will have 🤝displayed next to their church name.

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Calgary Life Church

11400 27 Street Southeast, Calgary, AB

Calgary Word of Faith Church

5225 4th Street Northeast, Calgary, AB

Capital City Church🤝

1123 Chemin Old Montréal Road, Orléans, Ontario K4A 3N6

Celebration Life Church 🤝

2A 13139 80th Ave Surrey, BC V3W 3B1

Celebrations Church

8100 Hwy 3B, Trail, BC

Center of Life Church

25 Claireport Crescent, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6P7

Champion City Church

12709 52nd Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB

Chec Faith Chapel

1700 Sismet Rd, Mississauga, ON L4W 1R4

Christ Full Gospel Fellowship 🤝

75 Elm St, Plum Coulee, MB R0G 1R0

Christian Faith Fellowship🤝

30 Railway Ave, Fox Valley, SK

*Disclaimer: Kenneth Copeland Ministries has no personal knowledge of the churches listed here. We are not affiliated with any churches in Canada, however these are churches that currently support KCM Canada. This listing is a service to our individual partners as well as our church partners to encourage fellowship with likeminded people. We ask that you pray and seek the Lord's guidance for what church you should attend.