Looking for a church home? Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you.

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Churches that have partnership with KCM will have 🤝displayed next to their church name.

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Airdrie Victory Church 🤝

Airdrie Victory Church, 508 3rd Avenue Southeast, Airdrie, AB

Apsley Community Chapel🤝

299 McFadden Rd, Apsley, ON

Assemblee de la Bonne Nouvelle a Montreal

7393 18e Avenue, Montreal, QC

Believers House

1555 Lucasville Road, Hammonds Plains, NS

Bible Faith Church of Durham🤝

2430 6th Concession Road, Pickering, ON

Bible Faith Church of Niagara Falls 🤝

4865 St. Lawrence Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 3Y1

Bible Faith Church of Toronto🤝

326 Rexdale Boulevard, Etobicoke, ON

Breakthrough Life Church

16 Rutherford Road South, Unit 203 Brampton, ON L6W 3J1

Burlington Christian Fellowship 🤝

2054 Mountainside Dr, Burlington, ON L7P 1A8

*Disclaimer: Kenneth Copeland Ministries has no personal knowledge of the churches listed here. We are not affiliated with any churches in Canada, however these are churches that currently support KCM Canada. This listing is a service to our individual partners as well as our church partners to encourage fellowship with likeminded people. We ask that you pray and seek the Lord's guidance for what church you should attend.