5 Reasons You Are Exempt from Supply-Chain Disruptions

We’ve all heard the reports. Supply-chain bottlenecks around the world have caused record shortages of many products that Canadian consumers are used to having readily available, including household goods, electronics, and automobiles, to name a few. Experts have warned that problems will likely get worse before they get better. But here’s where the line is…

Canada is Being Saved!

Decree it from the North, South, East, and West, and everywhere in the middle – Canada is being saved! These were the words spoken from Evangelist Bill Prankard in our recent interview, “Canada is being saved – Canada is saved!” Those words, along with the word spoken by Kenneth in 2016, have helped shape the…

10 Ways KCM Canada is Here for YOU!

Whether you’re new to Kenneth Copeland Ministries or are a long-time Partner or Friend, it is so important to us that you know this—we’re here for you!® You don’t ever have to go at it alone. God designed the Body of Christ to stand together in unity and support for one another in this life…