No evil will befall you – Psalm 91 Study

In the midst of the coronavirus and all the fear taking place today, God is promising to be a refuge and a fortress to those who will trust and dwell in Him.

“No evil will befall you” (Psalm 91:10). What a statement!

You need to catch hold of it and believe it today.

God wants to be God in your life. He wants to be your protection. He wants to be your security. He wants to be the first Name you call when trouble comes your way. He wants to be the One you trust in and look to, to keep you safe. And if you’ll do that, He’ll never, never let you down.

Read and study Psalm 91. And as you do, you will learn to dwell in the shelter of the Most High.

Below are some resources to help you in your study.

Download the Word of Faith Bible Study notes (PDF)

Kenneth Copeland teaches about your secret place of victory in Psalm 91 and the ministry of angels to and for you!

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