Where We Are
- KCM Africa began in May 1982
- This office ministers monthly to over 7,300 Partners, 13,225 Friends, 2,095 Children and 2,224
Prisoners—reaching 54 countries in sub-Saharan Africa - The Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine goes out to 22,749 people each month
- The first TV broadcast aired in southern Africa in 1992
- In 2007 the new www.kcm.org.za web site
launched to reach a broader audience
- This office ministers to more than 13,677 Partners and 500 Prisoners monthly
- The BVOV magazine is mailed from the Australian office to more than 21,000 households in over 40 countries, on 3 different continents.
- The daily BVOV broadcast reaches a potential of 20 million viewers.
- For more info, visit us online at www.kcm.org.au
- This office started in 1976, and has grown to serve over 20,000 Partners and Friends
- The Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine is mailed to more than 18,000 homes monthly
- The Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast is carried nationally, reaching a potential daily audience of approximately 30 million people
- This office was started in 1994, shortly after the fall of communism, and ministers monthly to more than 24,000 Partners and 80,000 Friends.
- Our first television broadcast aired in Russian in 1993
- Our web site, www.kcm.org.ua, launched in 2005 and is entirely in Russian language
- This office services all Russian-speaking Partners and Friends worldwide, including 15 republics of the former USSR
- Nearly 64,000 Russian-language BVOV magazines are distributed to 57 countries along with over 15 million free books and Bibles
- KCM Europe opened in 1982 in Bath, England
- This office ministers to over 5,500 Partners, 9,300 Friends and 560 Prisoners each month
- The first BVOV broadcast aired in Europe in 1992.
- Over 16,500 people receive BVOV magazine through this office in their choice of English or German
- Through our prison ministry, we are currently ministering to inmates in countries across Europe and Pakistan
- For more info, visit us online at www.kcm.org.uk
- From humble beginnings in a small storefront in Texas, the official KCM headquarters was founded in 1967. In 1986, the office moved to property in Fort Worth, Texas
- The dedicated staff ministers to our Partners and over 51 thousand prisoners each month.
- The Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast debuted in 1979, and today it reaches a potential audience of more than 239 million homes in the United States alone
- In 1973, BVOV magazine was published as a 4-page newsletter. Now it is a 32-page, full-color magazine, enjoyed by over half a million people in the United States
We are grateful and humbled by the growing reach of this ministry. All of us at Kenneth Copeland Ministries are always mindful of
What We Believe.