Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Your Twice-Sown Seed

All around the world Canadians are known for their heart of generosity. And when you give to Kenneth Copeland Ministries Canada, people all over Canada are set free…and in more ways than you might imagine!

KCM’s outreach goes far beyond the powerful voices the Lord has entrusted to us such as the BVOV broadcast, meetings, magazine and across the web. Our outreach extends to other ministries—trusted, effective ministries—all across Canada. This is because the first 10 percent of all gross income received by KCM Canada from donations and sales is placed into a special, earmarked fund we call Twice-Sown Seed. In other words, when we receive a gift from you, we sow a portion of it again into another ministry—so every penny you give is twice sown—it’s twice as effective and will yield twice the eternal reward.

As you know, Partnership means you are a part of what KCM Canada is doing in reaching out around our country and the world through other partnering ministries. As we work together we all have access to each other’s anointing and we all receive the same rewards.

Together with the Lord, we are meeting needs and changing Canada through the miracle-working, eternal equation of Twice-Sown Seed. Here are just a few examples:

We also send free faith-products to those requesting help, and you’re the reason we are able to meet their request. Your seed is a direct link to many others receiving their blessing from the Lord.

The bottom line is this: When you give to KCM Canada, your gift is immediately and globally multiplied with the greatest of stewardship. So when we say thank you for your faithfulness, we’re not just speaking for ourselves. We’re also speaking on behalf of many other ministries around Canada and the world. Through Twice-Sown Seed, when Partners and Friends like you give to KCM Canada, you’re literally impacting Canada!

Here’s a partial list of ministries KCM Canada supports (UPDATED on June 2020):

Below you can watch a video of one of our Partner ministry, Bill Prankard Ministries:

Twice-Sown Seed
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