Kenneth Copeland Ministries

SWBC Evangelism Training: 2,777 Lives Saved

Many people struggle with knowing how to share the Gospel with others, but sharing the love of Christ is simple! Riley Stephenson, KCM’s Minister of Evangelism, led our evangelism training at the 2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention. The training gave newfound confidence to believers in sharing their faith. Now, 2,777 lives who accepted Jesus at the event will never be the same. Watch the video above from the Southwest Believers’ Convention Evangelism Training and find out what an impact you can have in the kingdom and in your world.

Many are hesitant to share their faith. If you fall into this category, maybe you don’t know where to start or are concerned about offending someone.

The good news? You are not alone! When we make it a priority to seek and save the lost, God will give us everything we need to get the job done. You have something that a dying and lost world desperately needs. So, don’t hold back!

How can you overcome hesitation when it comes to ministering the love of Christ? Watch this video where Riley leads Evangelism Training and find out what an impact you can have in the kingdom and in your world:

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